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Saturday, April 6, 2013

Spirituality Meaning Day 6 of the National Poetry Month, April

Spirituality has different meaning to people. Some believe in religious beliefs, and go by Catholic, Protestant  Methodist, Baptist and other theologies. To me spirituality is the inner wisdom that there is a higher purpose as to why humanity is on this little blue planet.

Spirituality Meaning

Spirituality is awakening in the morning
and your pet cat lays on you.
Your spouse gives you a kiss good morning.
Someone is happy because you crossed
their paths and help relieved some
hidden burden they carry.

Spirituality is unconditional, no judgement
of another. It is the colors of the blossoming
flowers, the laughter of  children.
The miracle of a small act of kindness
from a stranger.

Spirituality is an calmness and serenity
within deep that this is all a test
and tomorrow will be better.
Life is a challenge as we
achieved each lesson we
are one step closer to achieve
our purpose.

To unlock the key to the mysteries of
life and share with others
what you discover.
With a smile, laugh or even tears
for you are here to be a harbor in the
raging waters.
A lifeline to a lost
soul and help them on the path
of coming home as an enlightened

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